S4899: lam 'bras kyi bla ma tshad ma'i lo rgyus/

SRC reference title
lam 'bras kyi bla ma tshad ma'i lo rgyus [mst]
Creator Remarks

"There is much in this Encyclopdia Tibetica that did not come directly from Bo dong Paṇ chen's own pen. GUNG 123.1.6 [i.e. gung ru shes rab bzang po/ (1411–1475) in his chos 'byung bstan pa rgyas pa'i nyi 'od [mst]] writes that Lo tsa ba Byang chub rtse mo (1303-1380), Bo dong Paṇ chen's great-uncle, received lam 'bras from Bla ma dam pa and that he had written inter alia a chronicle of its transmission. It remains an open question as to what relationship, if any, exists between this work and the one ascribed to Bo dong Paṇ chen by virtue of its inclusion in the encyclopedia." Van der Kuijp 1994b (p. 183 n. 15)

  • Tibetan
Master Entry