order acc. to frequency
rtses thang
bsod nams rgya mtsho'i rnam thar_A [ms] (77a)
chos grub seng ge rnam thar II [ms] (26a-241)
'bum phrag gsum pa'i rnam thar [ms] (3a)
chos grwa chen po rtse thang
byams gling pa'i rnam thar I_A [ms] (8b, 49a)
rtse thang
byams gling pa'i rnam thar I_A [ms] (9a, 10a, 11a, 32a, 32a, 48a, 49b, 50b, 52b, 53a)
chos grub seng ge rnam thar II [ms] (23a-235)
zhwa lu lo tsA ba rnam thar I_A [ms] (31b)
mang thos bstan rtsis [1987] (234)
rgya bod kyi chos 'byung [ms] (27b, 28a)
sa skya'i bla ma'i rnam thar I [2003] (210)
dpal rtse thang gi chos grwa chen po
byams gling pa'i rnam thar I_A [ms] (10b)
rtse thang
byams gling pa'i rnam thar I_A [ms] (51a)
rtsed thang
yar lung pa khu dbon gyi rnam thar [ms] (4a)
gdan sa chen po rtse thang
sgyi chu ba'i rnam thar [2017] (7)
dpal rtses thang gi chos grwa chen po
rdo rje rtse mo'i dkyil chog [xyl] (104b)
chos grwa rtse thang
zhwa lu lo tsA ba rnam thar I_A [ms] (50a)
chos gra rtse thang
sngags 'dul chen mo [xyl] (509b)
rtse thang gi chos grwa chen po
sa skya'i bla ma'i rnam thar I [2003] (210)
- listed among "the main seminaries in which the Pramāṇavārttika was taught according to the sa skya pa tradition and in which the Summary (bsdus pa, here the basic or introductory class on dialectics) was maintained in accordance with the rigs gter" Jackson 1987 (vol. 1, p. 134); acc. to chos 'khor rnam bzhag [1975] (ff. 469.6-470.1): nam 'grel gyi rnam bshad sa lugs dang bsdus pa rigs gter ltar 'dzin pa'i bshad grwa