P675: dmar ston chos kyi rgyal po/

  • yar lung smon gro ba dmar chos kyi rgyal po/ BDRC (P2101)
  • It's unclear from which primary source Cyrus Stearns (b. 1949) took his dates of birth/death
Biographical data
  • "We do not know his exact dates, but at least we can say that he wrote his [Sa skya legs bshad] commentary before 1245." Roesler 2002b (p. 432)

h2. Family Relations

Events (chronological)
  • was invited to dbus/ where he established a large monastic institution; see dmar ston gyi rnam thar [2018] (p. 138): de nas dbus phyogs nas gdan 'dren byung nas/ chos kyi rje la 'gro bar zhus pas/ da khyed kyi chos kyi sgro 'dogs ni chod/ rgyud sde mang po mkhyen pas yid tshim/ shes bya thams cad la mkhas pa'i lus rgyas/ bla ma la mi phyed pa'i dad pa brtan po yod pas/ bsod nams dang dpal 'byor lhun grub tu yong ba yin/ khyed rang gi dgon par song la byang chub kyi sems rgya chen pos 'gro ba thams cad la chos kyi 'khor lo rgya chen po bskor sgrub pa'i rgyal mtshan chen po bzung la bstan pa'i srog shing gtsugs nas 'gro ba'i don rlabs po che gyis shig gsung ngo / de nas dbus su byon nas chos grwa chen po btsugs/ dbang bka'/ 'khrid bka' la sogs pa bstan pa'i bya ba mang po mdzad do/; see also Stearns 2001 (p. 71)