"sTag tshang lo tsā ba Shes rab rin chen (b. 1405) was one of the greatest and most versatile scholars ever to appear within the Sakyapa tradition. Sometimes he is included together with Go rams pa and Shākya mchog ldan as one of the three most learned scholars in both Sūtra and Tantra studies [...] and his collected writings numbered twelve volumes.” Jackson 1983 (p. 9)
"considered to be tsong kha pa blo bzang grags pa/ (1357–1419)'s main critic from among the sa skya pas" Tauscher 1992 (p. 411)
h2. Teachers
h2. Students
1425: received the rab byung ordination from chos 'khor sgang’s abbot seng ge rgyal mtshan dung dkar tshig mdzod chen mo [2002] (s.v. stag tshang lo tsā ba shes rab rin chen) Ehrhard 2004 (p. 248 n. 8)
1453/1454: acted as nags kyi rin chen/ 's servant and translator Ehrhard 2004 (p. 255)
1455: authored dus 'khor spyi don/ mi sna [1993] (p. 511)
1463: authored grub mkha' kun shes/ Tauscher 1992 (p. 657)
intensively engaged in debate rounds (grwa skor gzhung) where he established many religious connections (chos 'brel) mi sna [1993] (p. 510)
invited by lo chen ba skyabs mchog dpal bzang / (d. ca. 1340) to chos 'khor sgang / to study the five sciences mi sna [1993] (p. 511)
became abbot of chos 'khor sgang / mi sna [1993] (p. 511)